
TRICARE For Life (TFL) 2024: Medicare, Location & Policy


TRICARE For Life Address, Location, Policy & Contact Number…TRICARE For Life (TFL) is Medicare wraparound insurance for TRICARE beneficiaries with Parts A and B of Medicare regardless of age or residence. TFL offers complete medical insurance coverage on a space-available basis. You can receive care from any Medicare-participating or non-participating provider, military hospital, or clinic. Medicare automatically sends the claim to TRICARE for processing after paying its portion (unless you have other health insurance [OHI]).

Insurance Name TRICARE For Life
Address P.O. Box 7889, Madison, WI, 53707
Contract Number 1-866-773-0404
Service Medicare
Apps MyCare Overseas™

TRICARE Eligibility Requirements

When you are eligible for Medicare Part A without a premium:

  • You must maintain Medicare Part B coverage to continue to be eligible for TRICARE. If you are a,
  • Retired service members (including National Guard and Reserve members who are receiving retirement pay);
  • A family member of a retired service member;
  • Medal of Honor recipient or eligible family member;
  • Qualifying former spouse;

Suppose you are an active duty service member (ADSM) or an active duty family member (ADFM). Medicare Part B coverage is not necessary to maintain your TRICARE eligibility. Adams and ADFMs remain eligible for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Standard, and TRICARE Extra options while the sponsor is on active duty. However, it would be best if you had Medicare Part B to keep your TRICARE eligibility after the sponsor retires.

For details on the Medicare Part B particular enrollment period for ADSMs and ADFMs, see “Medicare Part B [Medical Insurance]” on the following information

  • The US Family Health Plan covers you, TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS), or TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR) (USFHP) (Although you are not required to have Medicare Part B to continue to be eligible for TRS, TRR, or USFHP. It is highly recommended that you enroll in Medicare Part B when you are first eligible to avoid paying a premium surcharge if you enroll later.)

Understanding Medicare

The Department of Defense oversees TFL. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services oversees Medicare (CMS). To coordinate benefits, the two organizations collaborate.

Medicare Is A Government-run Health Insurance Program That Is Available To Everyone:

  • 65 years or older
  • Individuals under 65 with specific disabilities
  • End-stage renal disease at any age (ESRD)


Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)

Medicare Part A includes outpatient skilled nursing facility care and inpatient hospital care. Your eligibility for Medicare Part A is determined by the Social Security Administration (SSA) based on your employment history or the employment history of your spouse (including separated or deceased spouses). If you or your spouse have 40 quarters or 10 years of Social Security-covered employment, you are eligible for premium-free Medicare Part A at age 65.

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)

Medicare Part B includes provider services, outpatient care, home health care, durable medical equipment, and preventive services. The monthly premium for Medicare Part B can change yearly and depends on your income. As long as you have Medicare Part B, you might be required to pay a monthly premium surcharge if you enroll after your initial enrollment period.

Medicare enables ADSMs and ADFMs to postpone Part B enrollment and enroll during a particular enrollment period, which waives the late enrollment surcharge if they are eligible for Medicare due to age or disability (disability does not apply to those with ESRD). The ADSMs’ unique enrollment period and ADFMs are accessible whenever or within eight years of active duty. The sponsor either (1) the month the end of your sponsor’s active duty or (2) the final month of TRICARE coverage, whichever occurs initially.

TRICARE For Life With Other Health Insurance

If you have any additional health coverage, such as Medicare or employer-sponsored insurance, in addition to TRICARE. You can use TRICARE For Life if you have Medicare Parts A and B. TRICARE supplements do not count as “other health insurance,” such as a Medicare supplement or an employer-sponsored health plan. After Medicare and your other health insurance, TRICARE is the last to pay. To determine which plan pays first—Medicare or your other health insurance—visit the Medicare website.

You must submit a paper claim to the Wisconsin Physicians Service. The TRICARE For Life contractor, after your other health insurance, has processed the claim (WPS).


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