HitPaw AI Video Enhancer 8K High-Quality AI Photo and AI Video

HitPawI’m going to talk about a useful HitPaw AI Video Enhancer for our video editing. So AI technology is used endlessly for graphic designing as well as for video editing famous video editing software has AI Plugins. So today I am talking about using HitPaw AI technology to make our Post high quality.

Let’s think we have low resolution video like a blurry look. So now we can convert that low resolution video to high quality video. Also it not only Chang changes the frame size. It helps to improve the picture quality of your video.

So let’s find out what this HitPaw AI tool is video enhancer. If you need to download HitPaw video enhancer. You can follow the download links below to visit the download page. So after that to experiment and try out this software.

We need to download this so you can simply click this try it free button. To download this to your PC okay after the installation. We have our first interface like this then we can add our videos to this section.

So simply we can do it by drag and drop our videos into this area. So this one supports different types of video formats. It does not need to be same video format. Also if you don’t have any videos they give two sample videos.

To try out these features. I select this one for now okay now we are in the HitPaw Video in answer. So first I like to explain about this interface so in this part right. Here is our preview section and under the preview section. We have our media panel so when we import videos.

To this it all lists down to this media panel and also. Here we can find which resolution is on our video and what resolution. We need to upscale and what AI model we use. Also if you need to import more videos to this.

You can click this import button to import more videos and also. If you need to remove the videos you added you can simply remove them by clicking this minus icon right here. If you go to the top right corner you can find the AI models. We have so if you’re using the first time this hit paw video enhancer you can only see these three AI models.

So to install the other AI models you need to click this add model button then you can find other AI models. We have then you can simply install them and here we have a few more AI models. These are new upcoming AI models.

We can try these in their future updates and here we have our export settings. You can simply select which resolution you want so I select 4K resolution then we can adjust the bit trate. Here and the video format also we can change the save path here okay these are the basic things you need to know.

The HitPaw Video Enhancer so let’s try out a few AI models this. First I select the general denoise model and this is the sample video. I use so you can see it has so much blurry look and lost details in this video. Also you can see here noisy look because of the lighting issue in this video.

Let’s see how to fix that issue. I select this General denoise model this one helps to improve our video quality. So here we have two modes called quality and fast so quality mode gives the highest quality result for our videos.

The fast mode gives a balanced result with fast processing time. I select the quality mode then you can select which frame you need to see the preview. So I select here then click the preview button to watch the result after a few seconds we got our results like this.

I will show you the difference this is the before and this is the after. You can see it perfectly removes the noisy look in this area. You can see the quality in this tail part so this gives an insane result. Also you can see my original video is 640x 338 resolution and it upscaled to 4K resolution.

If you STIs with your result you can simply export your video by clicking this export button. So next one is the face quality model so this one is the same as before but this model is specialized for improving the human face quality.

So you can see the difference here this video enhancement tool can increase video resolution to 4K up to 8K and is available to enhance video quality for any type with these AI super resolution.

Next I like to try this animation model this model helps to improve the old cartoons and animations quality for example. I use this cartoon clip then I select this animation model and let’s see the preview. You can see how cool results.

We have here so I think this one is the best for creating remastered versions of the old cartoons. If you have a black and white video like this now you can colorize your black and white video using this colorized model in HitPaw Video Enhancer. So I will show you an example.

You can see it perfectly matched the skin color and jacket color also the background’s color as well this gives an insane result. You can see how cool is this AI models in this hit paw video enhancer. So we have more AI features like a color enhan model to improve color quality in your videos frame interpolation model for converting frame rate videos.

To higher frame rates and stabilize model to stabilize your unstable videos and also it has another new video repairing feature this helps to fix corrupt or damaged video F files with. Just one click also we have the option to detect automatically.

The issue in our video I add my damaged video to this in my video. I have this glitch problem in this Frame after that. I click this start repair button after completing the process you can download your repaired video right.

Here okay now you can see the difference between the damaged video and the repaired video. So guys HitPaw AI video enhancer is the best AI video quality enhancer and upscaler to improve video quality. So I

hope this is a very interesting Post for you. So HitPaw AI Video Enhancer fit for your work you can purchase this software for a reasonable price you can follow the links below to download or purchase the HitPaw AI video enhancer. So that’s pretty much it guys thanks for read this Post. I hope you enjoy this also please leave a share this Post.

Md M Khan

I Am Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief of TheDigitalTech. I love Technology and Oversees the Whole Website. I Follow the latest Trends and is highly Passionate about Smartphone, Games and PC Technology.

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