The Wolf Among Us 2, the improbable follow-up to the mystery thriller from Telltale Games, is now scheduled for release in 2024. We glimpse the main character, Bigby Wolf, and his current activities in a new trailer. Wolf is a werewolf who travels through a world of broken fairy tales while working as a private investigator. The Wolf Among Us is based on the Fables comic book series and is set in the Fabletown section of New York City.
After the studio’s demise the previous year, LCG Entertainment revived Telltale in 2019 and gave the undertaking a new life. The Adhoc company, formed of former Telltale workers, including devs from the first The Wolf Among Us, is currently working on The Wolf Among Us 2. The project will again be overseen by directors Nick Herman & Dennis Lenart, writer Pierre Shorette, composer Jared Emerson-Johnson, and voice actors Adam Harrington and Erin Yvette.
A Wolf Among Us: The action took place throughout five volumes of the Telltale Game Series, which were published between 2013 and 2014. Before it was canceled, Telltale had a sequel in the works; this iteration is a brand-new undertaking.
This is the first significant update that supporters have seen from the developer since a text message on Twitter in 2020. The developer has been quiet about work thus far. The studio is also developing a narrative novella set in the world of The Expanse, starring Camina Drummer, who is a favorite among fans.
Although there are more possibilities for gaming than in the past, according to Herman, it is still founded on dramatic storytelling and forces players to make difficult decisions. The Unreal version used by the firm has been modified. Despite the stylized comic-style animation, you can say it looks significantly better than the original.
Following the trailer’s debut, we witnessed a series of interviews led by Keighley. We held within Godmother’s Bar on a digital set created from within the game, employing a cutting-edge green screen stage, the Unreal engine, and exclusive tools created just for it.
Since the Wolf Among Us universe is so rich, Ottilie stated, “We thought it vital to update our community as well as the fans in a meaningful way after all this time.” What better way to achieve that than inviting them to join us for a conversation while we are present in the game?
The Wolf Among US 2 Release Date
According to Ottilie, it took a long time for the business to get back on its feet, and during that period, the crew spent most of its time pre-producing The Wolf Among Us 2. There will be five episodes, according to Ottilie and Herman. Ottilie stated, “We’re in production & actively taking motion capture sessions. Finally, Fables comics are also coming back, according to Keighley.