Best Practices For Creating Google Web Stories 2024

Google Web Stories Image SizeGoogle web stories are the search engine equivalent of social network stories. Web tales are a means to update the search experience for the year 2020. With its mobile-first dimensions and focus on video and visual content. Web tales are displayed in Google’s search results and Discover page in the form of up to 30 pages of material you may browse through, like a social media narrative. According to Google, they are a type of AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) intended for quick and straightforward consumption by busy people.

Google Web Stories Image Size 2024

Users anticipate that a story will load in a few milliseconds or less. 40% of visitors will often leave your story page if it takes longer than three seconds to load. Image optimization is the sole solution to this issue. Additional resources are available that could help you speed up your loading. However, if you have previously completed the other steps, image optimization is the most excellent way to speed up page load time. This can be fixed, and doing it is simple.

Unoptimized images are limited to having a file size that is no larger than a certain percentage of the size of the image on the open web space. You know what? Poorly optimized graphics are the leading cause of your website’s lousy loading times. According to the HTTP Archive, a website’s weight is roughly 65 percent and comprises images. Without image optimization, your website may load slowly, leaving visitors with a wrong impression of your site.

E-commerce, blogs, portfolios, vacations, and media websites require image optimization.

Google Web Stories AMP

A Google program called Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) aims to make the internet more mobile-friendly. It comes with an open-source HTML framework that enables programmers to construct compact pages with quick loading times. However, the AMP standards aren’t technically a ranking criterion for SEO. Fast loading times are rewarded by showing up higher in search results.

This has led to the development of AMP Web Stories, which offer simple-to-read information that is interesting, pleasant, and visually appealing.

Google Web Stories Image Optimization

A method for shrinking the size of website images without compromising their quality is image optimization. It requires presenting images of the most outstanding calibre in the appropriate size format while keeping image size to a minimum.

Google Web Story Critical Design Best Practices

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